tnAuth for WordPress
Học vị: Tiến sỹ — Nơi đào tạo: Hoa Kỳ
— Chuyên ngành: Khoa học máy tính & Hệ thống thông tin
— Chức danh: Giảng viên chính
— Các hướng nghiên cứu: Trí tuệ nhân tạo, Máy học, Khai phá dữ liệu, Khoa học dữ liệu.
— Các hướng ứng dụng: Công nghệ điện toán cho sinh học phân tử, ảnh y sinh, kinh doanh và quản lý.
Research interests: Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning, Data Mining, Data Science and applications in Genetics, Medical Imaging and Economics.
Programming skills
- C++, Java/C# for Windows desktop programming
- Assembly, C++, Java/C# for Network programming (TCP/IP, SSL and application layers)
- C++, Java/C#, React for mobile cross-platform programming
- Java/C#, PHP, Perl, Python, R for web programming
- Python, R, Matlab for Data Science programming
- C++, scripting languages for parallel/high-performance programming
- C++, Java for server/cloud service (web,mail,messenger…) programming
- C++, Java/C# for server/cloud service API programming
- SQL language with {MySql, MariaDB, MS-SQL, MS-Access} for database programming
Computing system administration skills
- Windows server, Linux server
- High Performance Computing (HPC)
- VMWare / Citrix virtualization system
- Information Technology for Business
This course is about (1) Understanding the basic concepts of Information Technology and its applications in supporting business activities, (2) Employing computer software applications for business modeling and problem solving, and (3) Knowing the new IT trends in the age of Industry 4.0; how they may affect the market and business strategies. - Decision Support Systems
- Data Science
- IT for HealthCare
For my teaching materials, please click here.
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