Societal needs
Application of information technology in business management in today’s competitive landscape is essential in the societal environment. The reason is that for business to thrive and survive, they need the capability of decision making effectively to achieve business objectives. In such a rapidly changing and challenging environment, business decision making must be timely and in accordance with current business situation by using the valuable information from analyzing the data, through past to present, inside and outside of the organization or enterprise. This was traditionally done based on business manager’s experience.
However, with the overload of information where the data from the external environment as well as from the inside of the enterprise can be obtained from a wide variety of content-rich sources, decision making turns out much difficult and time-consuming, leading to the need of information technology support in business information management to help business manager with delivering decisions timely and quickly. This societal need is the important ingredient for the birth and development of Business Information Systems, an academic major in applied information systems to help organizations and enterprises in management and decision making.
Program objectives
The Business Information Systems program at the University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City (UEH) is developed in accordance with the international advanced standards with the objectives of training BA in Economics, Specialization in Business Administration with full knowledge of business information systems and strong professional skills, providing high quality human resources to meet the needs of economic and social development in the era of Industrie4.
Achieving knowledge
Students are equipped with knowledge of information systems for management and business, knowledge of information technology for management and decision support systems as well as knowledge of data storage systems and information processing. Specifically, it includes basic knowledge of programming, data manipulation, business management… together with in-depth knowledge such as: information system analysis and design, software development for information management, enterprise resource planning using Information technology products, management of projects to put technology into management support, business intelligent (BI) support for business decision making.
Achieving Skills
- Design and build data storage systems for organizations.
- Administer and exploit organization’s data systems using computing methods.
- Utilize computer software for data analysis to support business decision making.
- Apply IT effectively in management and business through IT software such as ERP (Enterprise Resource Management), SCM (Supply Chain Management), HRM human resources), CRM (customer relations management), as well as consulting on deployment of software systems for enterprises.
- Analyze and develop business processes to apply information technology to the management of small and medium enterprises.
Career opportunities
- Computational specialist to analyze, design and build information systems for organizations.
- Computational specialist to analyze, design, build and manage data for business information systems.
- Computational expert to advise organizations on how to properly select and purchase information technology applications.
- Chief Information Officer (CIO).
- Researcher or teacher in management information systems at research institutes, universities and colleges.
Form of enrollment
Candidates have graduated from high school or equivalent under the regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam (Vietnam MOET), having taken the national high school exam in 2018, fulfill the admission requirements on testing results at UEH by using either of the following selection combination: A00, A01, D01, D90; of which: the coefficient of math test result is 2.